Tag Archives: pumping

Working the work


Today I worked! It was brilliant!

Didn’t arrive until 9:30, but I settled right in, thanks to non-working email. I was also inspired by a “getting things done” list from Julie Morgenstern that I’d brought in to work, and focused on her “do not multitask” recommendation. So I cleared my desk and started to work through items one by one. Papers got filed, and articles I had meant to tackle were read and responded to.

Of course, I did multi task and the phone rang and there was all kinds of up and down and all-around-ing going on, but largely I managed to focus. And when I got hung up on one project, I switched to another instead of simply zoning out.

By the end of the day I had made reasonable progress on 4 or 5 things I was working on, cleared up a number of other small items, had a plan for work on Monday, and felt inspired by the process. I can get on top of the work I have to do by diligent focus and energetic attention.

And, I had time to visit a bit, take a lunch break, pump twice and leave by 4:45. Great!

what does this have to do with peace? Lots, though the connection in my writing has maybe not been as clear lately. In life lately, I”m trying to achieve a calm state of mind, happiness in my heart, accomplishment of necessary tasks and being in the moment. I think I’m a bit closer than I was a while ago. We’ll see how it continues to unfold

Free Evening


It’s my Friday – the start of my weekend. My husband usually picks up baby on Thursday nights to give me some personal time.

It’s funny how little I look forward to what should be delightful!

I’m dealing with part of my anxiety right now by pumping before I leave the office. Going too long in between breastfeeding or pumping freaks me out as I still fear loss of my milk supply. And I thought it would give me a chance to breathe and reflect before heading out.

What will I do with my time? Well, I was considering productive engagements. Prepping for the online course I”ll be teaching in a couple of months. Or work on my paper, which has fallen off the radar.

Instead, I think I’ll shop. Why not?! I realize it goes against the decluttering urge, but I want to. I want to get some toys and clothes for my baby. I really honestly could use a pair of yoga pants and/or pajama bottoms as I run through those really quickly. And I simply do not have the focus, drive or energy to pursue something more productive at this point.

It’s been an exhausting week. I’m going to do what I feel like doing rather than anything I should do. And then probably, I’ll go home really really quickly because being away from my girl for so long just feels wrong.

So much for balance!! Life lately has felt like it needs to be about turning in: to family, myself, our home. That is what I need at the moment, so I’m going to enjoy it and not worry about other priorities. They will sort themselves out eventually.